HabsLabs – a conceptual work life for STEM
Life Habs & Work Labs
Life & Work Places/Spaces for Idea Incubators, Makers, Mentors and Innovators by:
Short for collaboration the “COLLAB” is a conference room style classroom with an emphases on face to face learning and collaboration. - MAKELAB
Maker spaces are very popular in our technical age. The “MAKELAB” is a maker space that fits the HabsLabs model and works seamlessly with the other labs. - CODELAB
“CODELAB” the name speaks for itself. This is a lab that is somewhat quite and isolated enough for good concentration for those designing in CAD, writing code & scripting. - MODLAB
Short for model the “MODLAB” is a place to model and build concepts, and would contain the power and hand tools that make that process happen. - VIEWLAB
View lab is a presentation & training space for larger groups, setup in a traditional theater style with all chairs facing a stage. The stage having a screen and lectern for the speaker.
“HANGHAB” is an open space to socialize with your team members, hang out and make friends, blow off steam with fun activities including playing board games, table games and video games. - MEALHAB
“MEALHAB” is simply a full service kitchen for preparing meals on special occasions, bringing meals that can be warmed up and eating together away from the labs. - HEALHAB
Short for health “HEALHAB” are spaces for resting, reading, working out, staying hydrated, hygiene and for taking care of your health and well being in general. - SAFEHAB
A”SAFEHAB” is nothing more than lockable storage spaces both personal lockers and larger equipment lockers for example robotics team could lock up their robot, extra parts and personal tools.